Waldo B.
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
Bryant C.
Hey Sidney,  lorem ipsum dolor? ...
17  minutes ago
Sergie M.
✓ Hey Sergie, bacon ipsum dolor amet ball tip t-bone boudin capicola frankfurter ...
50 minutes ago
Nelson A.
⚫ Yeah that's pretty awesome, lorem ipsum dolor ...
25 minutes ago
Nelson A.
⚫ Yeah that's pretty awesome, lorem ipsum dolor ...
25 minutes ago
Nelson A.
⚫ Yeah that's pretty awesome, lorem ipsum dolor ...
25 minutes ago
. . . View All Messages
John D. Published Project Lorem Ipsum.
25 seconds Ago
Sidney O. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
10 minutes Ago
Sidney O. Published Project Lorem Ipsum.
15 minutes Ago
Sidney O. Published Project Lorem Ipsum.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
John D. Designed Project Lorem Ipsum for 2 minutes.
1 Hour Ago
. . . View All Activity
active  |  @slackbot
slackbot    11:03 AM

Hello, I'm Slackbot. I try to be helpful. (But I’m still just a bot. Sorry!) Type ​*something*​ to get started.

slackbot    11:03 AM

If you get lost and want some more help, look at our Help Center or our guide to getting started on Slack. Otherwise, have a lovely day

slackbot    11:03 AM

Psst… Sidney! Right now you’re getting notified every time something is posted to Slack. That's great at first, but now that activity is increasing you'll probably prefer dialing that down.

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Pinned Project
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - Calculator
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - CC Checkout Form
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - Signup Form
Webflow Messenger 2.1

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Bryant C.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ...
12 minutes ago
Waldo B.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ...
12 minutes ago
John D.
✓ Hey John, can you send me that invoice before 10 pm today please? ...
12 minutes ago
Nelson A.
⚫ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ...12 minutes ago
John Doe.
✓ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ...12 minutes ago
John Doe.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
John Doe..
Hey man, did you had a look at that project I've send you? ...
12 minutes ago
Waldo Broodryk
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
5:00 pm
dolor sit amet :D
5:00 pm
Lorem consectetur adipiscing :D
5:00 pm
Lorem dolor sit amet
5:00 pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
 sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
5:00 pm
dolor sit amet :D
5:00 pm

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Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - Signup Form
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - CC Checkout Form
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Daily UI - Calculator
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
Site Settings
Open Designer 》
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard
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Lorem ipsum dolor set amet
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Account Created:
January 23rd 2015, 5:25:01 pm

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For new web designers that need to export their sites.
20 Projects
$5 Basic Hosting
$10 CMS Hosting
Unlimited Code Export
Forum & Email Support
Unlimited Backups /mo
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For professionals that need unbranded, advanced features
100 Projects
$5 Basic Hosting
$10 CMS Hosting
Unlimited Code Export
Priority Support
Unimited Backups /mo
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For small agencies and companies.
100 Projects
$5 Basic Hosting
$10 CMS Hosting
Unlimited Code Export
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Unlimited Backups /mo
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Team Dashboard
Shared Templates
See Team Plans

Custom Domain Hosting add-ons for any plan

Even if you are on the Free plan, you can enable custom domain hosting on each one of your sites for as little as $5 per month.
Free Hosting

Don't need a custom domain? You can host your private site on our webflow.io extension for free.

Basic Hosting
$5 /month

Hosting a static site without CMS features? Our basic plan gives you speedy, secure, and stable hosting for just $5/month a month, but you'll have to make content updates in the Webflow Designer. $15 on Starter plans

CMS Hosting
$10 /month

Using Webflow CMS? Our CMS hosting plan lets collaborators edit the live site using the Editor, and ensures super-fast loading and near instant updates for even the most complex dynamic sites. $20 on Starter plans

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Enterprise Plan

Email enterprise@webflow.com to learn more about how to use Webflow inside your design, engineering, or marketing team.

Education Program

Whether you’re an educator developing a modern digital curriculum, an administrator working to improve collaboration, or a student creating school projects, portfolios, and resumes, Webflow offers an education program to help you excel. 
Contact us to learn more.

Billing & Invoicing Info

If you belong to a Company, it will be added to billing receipts.
Additional company information to be shown on invoices; e.g. address, PO number, etc.
Send receipt emails to sidneyottelohe@gmail.com

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Payment Info

Sidney Ottelohé
5 / 2025

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